Separate Discount Purchase & Sale
1.M/s Ram Trading Purchase following items :-
Party Name:-Mr Ramesh Trading
Bill No-212
Purchase Ledgers-->Purchase a/c
Item Name Qty Rate Dic. Amount
CPU 10 Pcs 8,000 4.5% ------
UPS 10 Pcs 5,000 5.5% ------
Table 20 Pcs 4,500 N/A ------
Step 1:-Jab aap Company bante ho tab aapko -->Use Discount Columns In Invoice-->Yes
Step 2:-Goto Vouchers-->Press F9(Purchase) 212 Date:-1-4-23
Party Name:-Mr Ramesh Trading(Sundry Creditor)
Purchase Ledgers-->Purchase a/c(Puchase.Account)
Item Name Qty Rate Dic. Amount
CPU 10 Pcs 8,000 4.5% ------
UPS 10 Pcs 5,000 5.5% ------
Table 20 Pcs 4,500 N/A ------
2.M/s Ram Trading Sales Following Items :-
Party Name:-Cash
Sales Ledgers-->Sales a/c
Item Name Qty Rate Dic. Amount
CPU 05 Pcs 10,000 4.5% ------
UPS 08 Pcs 7,000 5.5% ------
Table 15 Pcs 5,500 6.5% ------
Step 3:-Vouchers-->Press F8(Sale)
Party Name:-Cash-->Mr Deepak
Sales Ledgers-->Sales a/c(Sales.Account)
Item Name Qty Rate Dic. Amount
CPU 05 Pcs 10,000 4.5% ------
UPS 08 Pcs 7,000 5.5% ------
Table 15 Pcs 5,500 6.5% ------
Total ------
R/off(Indirect Expense) -7.50
3.M/s Ram Trading Paid Pending Due Bills amount to M/s Ramesh Trading with Rs 1,77,800(Remain Bal-35,850) by Cash.
Step 4:-Vouchers-->Press F5(Payment)
Dr.M/s Ramesh Trading 1,77,800
Cr.Cash 1,77,800
Step 5:-Show Profit Every Item-->Stock Summery-->Show Profit Click Kare
Task-->Remaining Stock sales and Close Account to M/s Ramesh Trading:-
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